Billing Policy

Please make your payments and check your balance through the parent portal.

Ways to make a payment

  1. Sign up for auto pay.
  2. Go to the parent portal and pay online.
  3. Bring in your payment and place in drop box.

Annual Registration: $35.  This is an insurance required membership fee.  KGA is billed annually by our insurance for every child that participates in our program.   This fee can not be waived or prorated.   Annual registration is due at time of registration and again July 1st.

Monthly Tuition:  Tuition is due the 25th of the prior month.

Late Fee:  $15 late fee will be incurred the 5th of every month.

Over Due Bills:  Over due bills will be emailed & mailed or handed out the 10th of every month.

Termination for Non- Payment: Please speak with our general manager if you are experiencing financial hardship.  Payment arrangements must be made with our general manager & hospitality form must be turned in, or classes will be dropped the 30th of the month.

How does Tuition Work?

Tuition is divided up equally amongst each month. Most months you will receive 4 weeks worth of instruction.  In the months of December and August you will receive 3 weeks of instruction.  There will be times that your class is closed due to a holiday.  Some holiday closures are eligible for a make up day (see our Make Up Policy & our Holiday schedule for more information on this topic).

How do I Drop a class?

In order to drop you will need to complete our Hospitality Form and return to the front desk. Dropping over the phone or telling a coach is not permitted.  Hospitality Forms must be received 30 days in advance or you will be responsible for the months tuition.  This policy does not pertain to gymnastics team.

Is Pro-ration allowed?

KGA can not prorate tuition due to missed classes.  Our tuition is billed similarly, to a college course, our instructors must be paid, whether your student attends class or not.  If your student misses a class we strongly recommend scheduling a make up class.

Insufficient Funds Fee: $25

Collections for Non- Payment: We understand that hard times can fall on families at any time.   This is why we ask that the person responsible for payment, please contact KGA General Manager & fill out our Client Hospitality form as soon as a problem arises.  Please note any account overdue by 6 months or more will be turned over to collections if:

1. The account holder has not made contact with our general manager & completed our Client Hospitality Form to make payment arrangements.


2. The account holder has not kept agreed upon payment arrangements, has not made contact with general manager, has not completed a new Client Hospitality Form, and made new payment arrangements.

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